Trorng Day

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Welcome to the Central Scotland Horse Trials web site. The purpose of this site is to provide you with useful and interesting information about the various competitions we run (we also offer cross country training seminars).
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We hope you find this site useful and easy to navigate.
If you have any suggestions for us please e-mail them to us.
The 2006 competition will be held on Sunday 30th April and Monday 1st May. With some dressage on Saturday 29th April.

Intro and Pre Novice entries are now closed. Other classes are still accepting entries.
Most Intro dressage will take place on Saturday 29th April.
The layout of the event has been changed. The lorry park, tented village, secretary and showjumping are now in the main park.
This year the cross country course designer is Ian Stark, who has made a number of innovative changes to the course.
The cross country courses have been redesigned as a result of the changed layout.
A number of new jumps have been built for the redisgned course.
Important change of dates for 2006
The 2006 competition will run on Sunday 30th April and Monday 1st of May.
2006 Omnibus Schedule click here for the Omnibus Schedule